On the day of Our Lord’s passion, one apostle betrayed Christ. Ten apostles hid from Christ. Only one – St. John the Apostle – stood with Christ at the foot of the cross. Because of this, Christ entrusted His Blessed Mother to John’s care and “…from that hour the disciple took her into his home.” (John 19:27).

We call upon all Catholic men to become St. Johns: courageously standing with Christ and taking Holy Mother Church into our homes.


To inspire men of all vocations to live liturgically in their personal and professional lives by providing quarterly events centered around Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Confession, fellowship, tradition, and spiritual enrichment. To re-train men in the art of Virtuous Leisure as inspired by Catholic philosopher, Josef Pieper.


To develop stronger bonds amongst the men of the Parish outside of Sunday Mass by creating opportunities for spiritual growth and professional networking.

To invite men from outside the Parish to become more familiar with Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Church in Tampa and the Traditions of the Church.

To re-ignite the traditional fullness of Catholic Parish life as lived by our ancestors for centuries.


Why St. John the Apostle

Brother of Saint James the Greater, and called one of the Sons of Thunder. Disciple of Saint John the Baptist. Friend of Saint Peter the Apostle. Called by Jesus during the first year of His ministry, and traveled everywhere with Him, becoming so close as to be known as the beloved disciple. Took part in the Last Supper. The only one of the Twelve not to forsake the Saviour in the hour of His Passion, standing at the foot of the cross. Made guardian of Our Lady by Jesus, and he took her into his home. Upon hearing of the Resurrection, he was the first to reach the tomb; when he met the risen Lord at the lake of Tiberias, he was the first to recognize Him.  He was preserved from martyrdom to die a natural death.

St John is a wonderful model for Catholic men today as we are called to remain by the side of Christ’s Church during Her time of Passion in this world.  We are called to stand by Our Lady when she is blasphemed and mocked.  We are called to be a witness of true caritas to our family, friends, and those we meet in our lives and to demonstrate the courage he did in the face of great persecution and evil in this world.  Being the Patron Saint of vintners and butchers (from whom we will enjoy their labor), Theologians, Writers, and Scholars from whom we will be spiritually enriched, and of Friendship of which we hope many will form through this fraternal society.

Inspired by Josef Pieper

“Leisure is nothing less than an attitude of mind and a condition of the soul that fosters a capacity to perceive the reality of the world. Leisure has been, and always will be, the first foundation of any culture…in our bourgeois Western world total labor has vanquished leisure. Unless we regain the art of silence and insight, the ability for nonactivity, unless we substitute true leisure for our hectic amusements, we will destroy our culture—and ourselves.”


One of Bishop Schneider’s final messages to us was that we take up a perpetual novena (of our choosing) for the needs and intentions of our apostolate, Parish, and the Diocese of St Petersburg.

We have chosen a Novena to St Edmund, King and Martyr. You may learn more about this inspiring Saint here.

We hope you will set a reminder to pray this with us each day.

Into your hands, O Lord, we entrust this day our souls, and those of all believers. Keep us safe through Saint Edmund’s special intercession, by the merits and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all heavenly hosts, from all vicious and unruly desires, sins and temptations of the devil, and sudden and unprovided death and the pains of hell. Illuminate our heart with the grace of your Holy Spirit; grant that we may, like Saint Edmund, be ever obedient to your commandments and may we not be separated from you, O God, in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Amen 

St Edmund King and Martyr, pray for us

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We call upon all Catholic men to become St. Johns: courageously standing with Christ and taking Holy Mother Church into our homes.